My YouTube Story

You can find My YouTube Story on my website as well :)

     It started a few years ago back in 2008/2009. I was searching some videos like Disney and Natinal Anthems and stuff. I then saw videos in the web from YouTube. I didn't really know much about YouTube then except watching videos! :) When my dad got his first iPhone which was the iPhone 3GS, I started to watch a few videos on YouTube there. I think the first YouTube video I watched on my dad's iPhone 3GS was the South Carolina State Song. I was very curious when I was wtching videos on the iPhone 3GS. Then sometime in 2009/2010 my sister showed my this LPS video and I was like: "Why is my sister showing me this LPS video if I am a boy?" but I watched it anyway and I liked it. My sister and I were watching some more LPS vids and we started liking it. I also watched some RCT3 videos on YouTube which I really liked. One LPS video we watched was a Pop Princess video. Me and my sister started making our own version of it but very differently. We made the video on my dad's iPhone 3GS but we did not send it to YouTube, it was just for fun! ^_^ Sometime in summer of 2010 my dad gave my mom an iPhone 4! And I was excited and happy! The first thing we did on the iPhone 4 was to play around with the camera and it was awesome. When I saw the screen of the iPhone 4 I was like "WOW" because it was bright. My sister and I started to watch videos on the iPhone 4 and it was neat. Then when I was searching on YouTube on the iPhone 4 I saw some Pokemon vids and I thought it was cool so I decided to make a KIND of related to Pokemon video like the one I watched. So my sister helped me make the video on the iPhone 4 and we had a lot of fun making it. But, we did not sent it to YouTube, it was just for fun! :) Then sometime in 2010 my sister and I came upon a YouTube channel called LPSlittleproductions and we had a lot of fun watching her videos. Then, in December of 2010, my sister brought some LPS and I did too (Remember, I am a boy LOL). My sister and I started making videos together...THIS TIME on my mom's iPhone 4 and sometimes on my dad's iPhone 3GS but, we did not send it to YouTube. Sometime in between 2010 and January of 2011, I started asking my parents if I can have a YouTube channel and my parents And I asked them again a few times and they still said no. Between Jan. and Feb. of 2011 I watched some videos from this YouTube channel called MollyAnneFilms (she has a new YouTube channel called iheartdollies) and I had a lot of fun watching her videos. But then, sometime late January or early Febuary of 2011 I told them if I can send this video I made to YouTube and my parents said...YES! But it wasn't actually my YouTube account, it was my dad's YouTube account and the username was jjirehsyk. I made some videos here and there on this channel and it was fun. My dad made some videos on the channel too. ;) It was my dad's YouTube channel. :) I started socializing with people on YouTube like MollyAnneFilms and iheartdollies and other people. Then, sometime September of 2011, my dad made me MY OWN YouTube account and I named it. The username was called: 491Lightning. I was so so so so happy I got my own YouTube account. And since I am a boy, I didn't really make LPS vidoes anymore...(but my sister makes LPS videos but she does not send it to YouTube). I made other YouTube channels (probably 2 or 3) as well but I deleted them because I didn't really like it. Then in January of 2012, I deleted my dad's YouTube account jjirehsyk because well...I do not want to tell you (but do not worry, I made my dad a new YouTube account called ImpressPro). Then I needed to delete my 491Lightning YouTube account because of some personal reason. So, I made a new YouTube channel which is called ExoticEpicFilms! :D My mom and I came up with the username. :) And it is still my YouTube channel today! :) In this channel, I made some video series and I made a video of our family trip to Disney World in 2008. Then a few months later, I came up to this person's channel called 33Shreder (he has a new channel called iTechEntertainment). And it was tech videos and he made other videos as well. He inspired me to make tech videos and I had really fun doing it! Other people inspired me to make tech videos as well like, jon4lakers, MacAdvisorUK, iTechEntertainment, and more! :) In February of 2012 I made a new YouTube channel for my Disney videos and the username is called, ExoticDisney. Then in the summer of 2012 I made a gaming channel called iGamerFilms, and last but certainly not least I made an iPhone vlogging channel called JohnsiPhoneVlogs which I made this channel in November of 2012. My YouTube channels ExoticEpicFilms, ExoticDisney, iGamerFilms, and JohnsiPhoneVlogs are still my YouTube channels I use TODAY! My main YouTube channel (of course) is my ExoticEpicFilms channel! :) People have inspired me to be on YouTube and inspired me to make YouTube videos as are SOME of the people that inspired me: LPSlittleproductions, iluvlps, MollyAnneFilms, iheartdollies, 33shreder, MacAdvisorUK, tysiphonehelp, 0tymoss0, ArchieRogers, itechentertainment, bubbatino, ArchieRogersVLOG, lockergnome, and SO MUCH MORE! :) YouTube has been fun for me and I will enjoy making videos on YouTube. :)

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