Sunday, July 28, 2013


Hello guys! Just wanted to update you has been.....raining!!!! But that's kinda a good thing because, it's helping the plants grow and all that good stuff. ^_^ But it has been raining so so so so hard and some thunder. But you know, it's nature. :)

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Beach!!!

Hi guys! As some of you know (if you watch me on YouTube) my family and I went to the beach a few days ago. :) I had a fun time and it was just...well...just great and epic! And also, I made some vlogs on my YouTube channel going to the beach and I recommended you go watch it. :) Anyways, in this blog post, I will show you SOME pictures that I took while I was at the beach. Enjoy the pics! ^_^ Have an epic day!

Hi again :)

Hello! How are you guys doing? I am so sorry that I have not been posting to this blog that much... Why? Because I have been very busy. I have been busy with work and some YouTube stuff on my channel. But I hope you guys forgive me and yeah! :) I will be posting more stuff in this vlog. Anyways, I will see you in the next blog post! Have an epic day! :D

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Today is my birthday!

Sorry for the late post but, today is my birthday! :) And I had fun. I had cake and other stuff! I made a video on my YouTube channel if you guys want to see it! Anyways, have an EPIC day! :D
BY THE WAY if you are wondering, JB is my nickname. :)

Hope everyone had a great 4th!

I just wanted to say that I hope you all had an EPIC 4th of July! :) I had a great 4th, did you? But anyways, hope you all had a great Independence Day. :) I made a video on my YouTube channel in honor of Independence Day! :D Hope you watch it. Have an epic day! :)