Saturday, December 31, 2011


Today is December 31, 2011 and............ Happy New Year!!! There is going to be fireworks at nighttime :)

Video Clips From My Christmas Play

Sorry everyone, but I ereased  the Christmas Play videos 1 2 3 4 and 5. You know why I ereased it? Because on Part 3 of the video, there was some kind of copyright thing... so.... I made a shorter one called "Video Clips From My Christmas Play"

Monday, December 26, 2011

My Christmas Play Part 1

Hi guys! One of my dad's friends, video taped the WHOLE show! So anyways, I told my dad if we can borrow the camera and they said YES!!! So when we borrowed the camera from them, I started editing the video! And here it is. THIS IS PART ONE! Ok... here it is:

Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Video I Made During Rehearsals For The Christmas Play Tomorrow

Christmas Play!

Christmas Play Tomorrow!!!
Hi guys! How are ya? I am so so so excited tomorrow! You know why? Because the Christmas Play is tomorrow. I practiced my lines and the songs, and I think I memorized it very well. I rehearsed in Church today, and they said I did a VERY good job! I just love the holidays! HAPPY HOLIDAYS everyone!!! :)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Happy Holidays!

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...............\▓▓▓/.......... ... Merry Christmas!!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

        Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Remember, that you should br thankful for what you have. God made this all happen, so please pray to God and praise him because he loves you!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Vote Time!

My homework this week for my Math and Science teacher!



No School



Finish Study Link 4-7
if you didn't in class;
Complete study guide


Study for test!


Study for quiz

My homework this week for my Social Studies and ELA teacher!


Monday: No school; parent/teacher conference

Tuesday: complete reading story guide

Wednesday: study for SS test

Thursday: study for spelling and reading test:extra credit for spelling - divide spelling words into words that are adjectives (describe a noun) and adverbs (describe verbs) and give a noun or verb it describes (ex: scratchy is adjective; scratchy sweater)

Friday: put spelling words in agenda


Did you know...

Did you know that the Twin Towers of the World Center Center had a mall...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween from yesterday!



It is Veterans Day Week! November 1st - 11th of 2011 is Veterans Day Week...
Also, in my YouTube Channel, I am celebrating my Channel's 2 Month anniversary which is starting on November 5th 2011! I will be making a video on that day for the celebration, and I will decorate my YouTube Channel and YouTube icon! BY THE WAY, in case you don't know, the name of my YouTube account thing is 491Lightning :)

Halloween was yesterday!

I hope everybody had a safe Halloween yesterday! Did you got lots and lots of candy? Well hope all of you had fun :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Happy October!

Hey guys! I just wanted to say HAPPY OCTOBER! Since it is almost Halloween, I will just say right now... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Look at my homework for this week in school

Look at my homework for this week in my school:

Monday: write 2 sentences with each homophone (their, there, they're)  Sod house paper and illustration due Friday: students will write a 3 paragraph paper on what they think living in a sod house would be like and illustrate the outside and inside of a sod house
Tuesday: complete homophone worksheet: extra credit for reading: illustrate a favorite scene from the novel and write a brief summary of the scene
Wednesday: study for grammar quiz on simple, compound, complex sentences and using transitions; extra credit for english: compose 3 simple, 3 compound, and 3 complex sentences
Thursday: study for spelling test and reading quiz on Run Away Home ch 19-25; sod house paper and illustration due
Friday: put spelling words in agenda

Friday, September 30, 2011

Doing a project!

Hi peoples! What up? I just wanted to say, that I am going to do a project in school! The project is due on October 7th 2011 so I have time ;) My teacher said that if we return our projects early, we will have umm... I think umm... 5 POINTS :D

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Picture of MICKEY MOUSE!!! :)

NASA confirms satellite descended over Pacific

You might have heard a satellite in Space was falling towards Earth. WELL IT FELL!!! NASA thinks it fell somewhere in the Pacific. This is what the news said on the Internet:

"Date: Saturday Sep. 24, 2011 8:59 AM ET
A space satellite the size of a bus fell to Earth overnight, but NASA says it is unsure where it landed after entering the atmosphere over the vast Pacific Ocean.

The U.S. Air Force's Joint Space Operations Center and NASA say the six-ton satellite fell between 11:23 p.m. EDT and 1:09 a.m. EDT.

The 20-year-old Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite had been orbiting 145 kilometres above Earth, a NASA statement said.

The agency was predicting the vessel would pass over Canada, Africa and Australia, as well as three oceans, after reentering the atmosphere.

Although NASA announced on Twitter that the satellite "penetrated the atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean," the precise time and location of the crash is not yet known.

In the days leading up to the reentry, the space agency predicted the 550 kilograms of debris broke into hundreds of small pieces before landing on Earth. None of the pieces were expected to be larger than 135 kilograms.

The Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite was launched aboard the space shuttle Discovery in 1991, on a mission to study the ozone layer. But NASA decommissioned the UARS in 2005, after the satellite used the last of its fuel to descend into a lower orbit. That set the stage for its uncontrolled return.

It is the largest NASA spacecraft to land on Earth in an uncontrolled crash in more than 30 years.

The 75-ton Skylab space station and the 10-ton Pegasus 2 satellite both crashed in 1979.

NASA had said the chance of someone being hurt in the crash were low: about 1 in 3,200. But -- and this is an important 'but' -- the chance you would be hit was even lower: 1 in 21 trillion.

In fact, the only confirmed incident involving space junk striking a person was in 1997, when Lottie Williams of Tulsa, Okla., was grazed in the shoulder by a small bit of debris from a discarded piece of a Delta rocket.

There are roughly 22,000 pieces of satellites, rockets, and other junk orbiting the Earth right now, and NASA is trying to watch each one of them through its Orbital Debris Program Office.

When UARS was build, there were no rules about satellite construction. But these days, satellites must be designed to disintegrate upon re-entry or have enough fuel to be steered into the ocean.

NASA estimates that medium-sized junk falls back to Earth once a week. Debris the size of this UARS satellite comes down about once a year, though this is the biggest NASA satellite to fall in three decades."